It's been a while, but I've managed to finally pull myself out of the vortex of the holidays and have started re-establishing my routines.
I'm approaching this year with a slightly different attitude - last year I became frustrated when I couldn't afford one of my goals the minute I decided i wanted to tackle something. Considering few us have unlimited funds, that probably doesn't work for most people. So, I really need to prioritize & plan.
First 2 on the list - shooting lessons and skydiving. As I'm only 90% sure on the skydiving, that may wait. I've a friend coming to town in the next few months that has said he would go...not sure I can work up the courage that quick. So...shooting lessons it is!
I'm still really missing crossfit, but that is way out of budget. Rather than mope around, I'm started to look into boxing & muay thai gyms. I loved all of them, just need to find the best $$ option. It's not as if I would regret doing any of them - they all work out my aggresion and my body at the same time!
Best wishes to anyone reading this - time to really start this thing moving forward!!!
I can be discouraging to not be able to afford something but be creative and find a way around the road block. You will succeed!