
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Day 36 - End of accidental experiment

Remember what it was like without internet? Without the ability to pick up some bit of technology, type in a couple words or make a couple clicks  be taken to people, answer a question or post some mindless drivel? Well, my modem kicked the bucket about 10 days ago.

Having my phone as my only means to digitally access the interweb was weird, bit isolating since most of the people I talk to are out of state. Makes you wonder what life would be like, if long term our technology failed us, how a


  1. I'm curious if your ending here was intentional or not. While it adds a certain dramatic flair, it's abruptness could just as easily be accidental.

  2. You are correct about the dramatic flair there, however that was quite accidental! I am foiled again by technology, and will finish my thought this evening. Thanks for pointing that out!
