
Monday, September 1, 2014

Burdens we carry

One by one, the weeds began to take over, stealing the light, the nutrients, from the garden attempting to blossom. Roots swelling, resistant to chemicals, the darkness began overwhelming all, requiring diverse and concentrated efforts to remove.

I've come to see my weight gain over the past several years as the outward manifestation of the burdens, toxic emotions, I have allowed myself to carry with me from the past. I chose to dwell in the darkest of places within my mind, questioning and doubting my judgement, my self worth; suppressing rather than understanding, accepting and moving forward.

I am finding my efforts to develop in one area greatly impacts others - meditating brings me a sense of peace, making me less likely to turn to junk food or wine to cope with stress. An intense 30 minute workout sends oxygen and endorphines through my system, for a rush of clarity, awareness and eventual calm.

There is much to do, more to overcome, strengths to be gained, exercises of body and spirit to continue. The weeds are being rooted out, one by one.

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