I've spent too much time floating on the muddied waters of the past, swept up in currents of my own making. Rapids brought on by torrents of pain, tides of mistrust cresting the shores, whirlpools swirling from self loathing.
I fought hard in the beginning, as the waters start rising around the spaces that were us, seeping through cracks in our joy and outward attempts at being alright. Thrashed against truth, the cool waters were waist high...grasped onto good memories and qualities like a firmly rooted tree..chin height..undertow pulled me close, my grip lost.
Exhausted, confused and alone, I remembered how to float, build my energy back by allowing the stream to take me.
Finally, I have waded to banks, fully aware of every drop from the past as it slowly trickles down my skin. After several deep breaths, I look around the bank, searching for others that have survived their own rapids.
There must be others...
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