
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Day 29 - Lost my damn mind again

Hooray - successfully skipped my beloved wine for a week and a half, only to break down on Saturday, drink too much, and send one of my infamous emails...I do not envy the person on the receiving end of those semi-rational rants.

And let me tell you, I LOVE that feeling in the morning when you cringe at the memory of hitting the send button rather than saving it until you've had some coffee and bacon the next afternoon. Completely rock star of me.

Back up and at it though, no time to mope around and beat myself up. I've training to carry on - off to Crossfit again tonight!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Day 22 - For shame

The world seems to be going crazy...let me be clear on something real quick. Just because I want to learn to shoot, I may never own a gun.

I don't feel that old, but I was able to be a child and a teen without worrying about an armed lunatic rampaging through the school.

As I said before, people scare me more than zombies would.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Day 21 - owie

Third Crossfit workout tonight. Tried to do wall squats, but went down once and my legs are so fatigued I couldn't get back up! So, it was jumping pull-ups, push-ups (walking back up because I couldn't push back up), sit- ups and a 1,000 meter row.

Decent start I think! I may be walking like a 90 year old for a couple weeks, but I'm looking forward to the time when I can do push- ups and pull- ups without any modifications.

Now, excuse me while I pass out despite the muscle pains.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Day 18 - Bring on the pain

When I first had the idea for this blog, I researched zombie survival fitness classes. First problem I ran into, is that there are no groups around my area.

Second, they all seemed parqour based. I could see how jumping and sprinting would help, but running up a wall, flipping on the way down...not so much.

I think I found a good way to reach my overall fitness goals, through a more well rounded approach - crossfit.

As much as I loved boxing, crossfit should help more of my body get to where I want it. Had my intro class tonight, first official class will be tomorrow morning. I'll take things slow in the beginning to master form and technique, then my trainer will unleash hell on me.

I'm oddly excited to begin the physical torture I signed up for. I really need this type of challenge right now.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Day 14 - How does it start?

While hauling ass on the elliptical tonight, I was pondering how the epidemic starts. Interesting question, with several possibilities.

In a traditional voodoo zombification, the cause is a potion or spell, cast or given to a person. This then causes them to die, and come back as mindless, slow creatures. I suppose a mass spell could be cast, but the potion seems easier to deliver and release.

Then there is the viral train of thought that seems most prevalent. transmitted by airborne pathogens or infected through a bite would that passes some mutated gene.

Course chemicals, similar to poison, could do it too.

Thoughts, corrections, omissions?

Friday, January 11, 2013

Day 11

Having a hard time getting a response about beginner shooting lessons somewhere that doesn't cater to non- police types. Almost seems like archery will be easier, with spring approaching soon.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Day 6

I honestly think I fear the living - the ones with hearts pumping blood and conscious minds - more then those things...they can only kill you, you don't feel it when they eat your dead body. Living people can rip your heart out while you still have air in your lungs, or torment you, torture you.

Give me a hoard over people almost any day once I'm prepared.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Day 3 - Zombies & Temperature

Over the holidays, my sister and I started debating if zombies were like reptiles, needing warmth to move more fluently. Would they be slower in frigid climates? Would the cold give them a longer undead lifespan by impeding decomposition?

I suppose that would all depend on what caused their transformation in the first place and the mechanics by which they reanimate.

I love theoretical debates like this!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Day 2 x_ x

It's worse than I time running around the office, eating junk when I did eat, and drinking like a fish set me back. Worked out today and let me tell you, I'd be zombie bait rather than Hunter right now.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Day 1, Take 2

Time to start this over. Don't think of this as a new year resolution, just a good time to kick things off again now that work should be calmer and holidays are over.

I did manage to learn a little at home beauty product making. Not a particularly useful skill in the face of zombies, but as a single survivor, I don't want to smell bad.