
Sunday, June 30, 2013

Day 181 - continuing in limbo

I'd love to report I've been off, exploring the city or making headway on my goals, but that's not really the case. Holding back on most things still, waiting until I'm really settled in to let loose, take advantage of my new surroundings.

Not too long now, little less than 1 month.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Day 168 - real food

Eating natural has some brilliant when you really taste butter for the first time in years. I feel like I'm having a 'V for Vendetta' moment here....

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Day 162 - resetting

Move part 2 is set to happen at the end of next month. Until then, I am left in this mostly wooded suburban limbo of long commutes with nothing to entertain myself with on the weekends. Perfect time to start adding in crossfit inspired home workouts, cleaning up my eating habits and recouping after a couple months of stress. Part of the beauty of crossfit is that the activities are meant to mimic natural movements, like squatting to pick something up or lifting an object. This also means a lot of the exercises are easily done at home with no special equipment.

Starting small during the week due to time and low energy level from illness, a few exercises on 1 muscle group per night. On the weekends, when it doesn’t matter if I wake up, workout, then go back to sleep, I will push things more. Sad that I am sore from the little I did last night, but I miss this type of pain. Sore muscles = accomplishment, moving forward, closer to my dream of looking like that comic book badass i have in my mind.

I’ve a new physical goal to add: in addition to unassisted pull ups (kipping is ok though), I want to be able to complete a round of handstand pushups. Why I am setting myself to fall straight onto my head, I’m not exactly sure, but the thrill of proving myself wrong about my physical abilities with the wall walk was an addictive one. I’d like for these to happen next year – hoping to start at another box at the end of this year.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Day 154 - Routines of the Undead

Walking out of the train station on my way home from work, I watched all the people around me (including myself), walk out to their usual parking spots, following the daily routine of work.

Taking a cue from Romero's notion that the undead returned to a place they were familiar with, I started wondering - how long would some lingering, habitual behavior in life hold on into the daily routine of the undead? Of course, until the desire to feed overwhelmed any trace of human life in the poor soul.

Would it vary depending on the length and depth of the entrenched habit? Say, someone who has taken the same way to work, worked in the same cubicle, retraced their steps daily for 15-20 years, would be much more prone to somehow repeat that behavior for a time after turning?