
Sunday, August 31, 2014

Christmas Past

I clearly remember my last christmas living at home.. It plays out in my mind as if I were looking in...

Snowflakes drift towards earth, seeming to gather the sounds of the street out front. Walking past a white house, two rooms emitnate a soft glow.

A large picture window is open, red, green and gold light from a Christmas tree mingling with the soft blue glow of moon reflecting off the fresh snow. Three figures sit in the largest room, illuminated by the black and white movie playing, tree lights adding small bursts of color across their faces.

In the next room, behind closed blinds, an old woman rests under her quilts, hearing the hum of memories, three generations deep, from the walls of the humble white house.

Looking back now, I feel the warmth of the room, the smell of popcorn and homemade hot coco. It wasn't just my parents and I watching it's a wonderful life, the house had absorbed pieces of my grandparents, my uncle, the ones lost to humanly form. We were all there, peaceful in the moment.

Continuing growth

Things are changing here once again - a reflection of my evolution in writing, in thinking, in life I suppose. I'm going to begin using this as a journal for my writing, perhaps to be compiled into some unforeseen form in the future.

There will also be some philosophical musings in regards to meditation, self-healing, past lives, spirituality. Be wary and please be courteous.

I wish I could create an archive for the older posts here, but perhaps they can just dwell in the background while new writings take shape.